Where is the closest Airports?
Where is the closest Airports?
EYW - Key West International Airport - 45 miles - 60 min
MIA - Miami International - 114 miles - 2 hrs 15 min
FLL - Fort Lauderdale International Airport - 2 hrs 40 min
Best time of the year for fishing?
Best time of the year for fishing?
Do you have a minimum number of nights per rental?
Do you have a minimum number of nights per rental?
From January through August 7 Mile Mahi rents by the week. September through December I have some flexibility, contact me to discuss.
What time is check in and check out??
What time is check in and check out??
Saturday to Saturday - Check in is 4:00 PM, and check out is 10:00 AM
Do you have a cleaning fee?
Do you have a cleaning fee?
Cleaning fee is $250